Happy Monday, Happy Christmas and happy last working week before the majority of us have some time off.

This year has flown by and I know a lot of other people who are saying the same. The end of 2019 is fast approaching and with it the start of a New Year, a new decade and new opportunities.
But before that, we have all the excitement of Christmas to enjoy.
For most small business owners, we’ve been working our socks off for months in the run-up to Christmas. For product-based businesses, it’s often the busiest time of the year, and service-led businesses have been putting plans in place for the coming year already!
So, while it may be the most wonderful time of the year, it’s vital to prioritise some self-care or self-kindness over the holidays; taking some time to rest, reset and do what you love to set you up to smash the New Year when it comes.
Here are my top tips for self-kindness over the next couple of weeks:
1. It’s ok to say no
Don’t want to go to that party? Say no.
Don’t want to watch hours of TV but instead want to use your free time to invest in yourself ready for 2020? Say no to the sofa.
Don’t want to cook for 10 people and have to do all the clearing up? Say no and book the local pub!
Do what makes you feel good, there are no ‘have-to-dos’ and sometimes saying no, even if it’s hard or doesn’t come naturally, is the best thing you can do for your own well-being.
2. Schedule some ‘you’ time
It’s no secret Christmas can be demanding, with expectations of seeing friends and family, keeping kids entertained, ensuring the fridge is always fully-stocked, it may feel like there’s always something else that needs doing.
Don’t forget in most small businesses if you aren’t at your best, your business won’t be at it’s best.
So taking some ‘you’ time over the holidays could be essential in making sure you’re in a peak state once it’s time to start working again.
It’s totally ok to plan in half an hour on your own every day to read a book, to take a long bath, a couple of hours out with the dog or at the yard, or even a nice lunch with your friends. Be sure to put aside some time to do whatever it is that makes you feel happy, inspired and on top form.
3. Have fun
Introverts and extroverts are inspired and fulfilled differently. So remember to do whatever it is that you find fun over the holidays - we work to live, not live to work remember, so find your fun and make sure you have some!
We have constant demands on us as small business owners, especially in an ‘always on’ culture, so having some guilt-free fun is essential.
If you love being around people and feel re-energised by parties, get-togethers, or group outings, plan something with friends and family which takes you totally away from work and allows you to really enjoy being present and having fun.
If you’re more likely to feel overwhelmed by group situations and as an introvert can only do big groups for short times, let go of the guilt of wanting some alone time and embrace it. Just be honest with your nearest and dearest about needing a little bit of quiet time and I bet they will understand.

In essence, we’re all different and what is self-kindness to one person might be another person’s idea of a terrible day!
Know what makes you feel happy and alive and prioritise a little bit of what you love over the holidays, I promise the New Year you will thank you for it.
Have a wonderful Christmas!